Elastic Hosting
1 x Intel Xeon Gold Core
25GB NVMe SSD, (50MB/s, 5K IOPS, 0.25M inodes)
500GB bandwidth & 1 IP
JetBackup every 4 hours
99.99% SLA
All-in-one security
Real-time Malware Protection
2 x Intel Xeon Gold Cores
4GB DDR4 RAM, (64EP, 128NPROC)
50GB NVMe SSD, (100MB/s, 10K IOPS, 0.5M inodes)
1TB bandwidth & 1 Dedicated IP
WHM/cPanel with 5 cPanel accounts
JetBackup every 4 hours
99.99% SLA
All-in-one security
Real-time Malware Protection
4 x Intel Xeon Cores
8GB DDR4 RAM, (128EP, 256NPROC)
100GB NVMe SSD, (200MB/s, 20K IOPS, 1M inodes)
2TB bandwidth & 2 Dedicated IP's
WHM with 10 cPanel accounts
JetBackup every 4 hours
99.99% SLA
All-in-one security
Real-time Malware Protection
8 x Intel Xeon Gold Cores
16GB DDR4 RAM, (256EP, 512NPROC)
200GB NVMe SSD, (400MB/s, 40K IOPS, 2M inodes)
4TB bandwidth & 4 Dedicated IP's
WHM with 20 cPanel accounts
JetBackup every 4 hours
99.99% SLA
All-in-one security
Real-time Malware Protection
16 x Intel Xeon Gold Cores
32GB DDR4 RAM, (512EP, 1024NPROC)
400GB NVMe SSD, (800MB/s, 80K IOPS, 4M inodes)
8TB bandwidth & 8 Dedicated IP's
WHM with 40 cPanel accounts
JetBackup every 4 hours
99.99% SLA
All-in-one security
Real-time Malware Protection